Pretrial Services

The Merrimack County Pretrial Services (PTS) Program provides an evidence based alternative to pretrial incarceration to the courts, communities, and clients we serve.


  • Provide accurate client information and assessment to the court, prosecutors, and defense attorney to assist with the determination of bail
  • Monitor and report compliance or non-compliance with bail conditions
  • Maximize court appearance
  • Mitigate risk to the community by addressing a client’s individual needs

Assessment and Assignment

  • Clients are interviewed and assessed using the Ohio Risk Assessment Pretrial Assessment Tool (ORAS-PAT). ORAS-PAT is scored and client’s level of risk is determined; low, moderate, or high risk of violating bail conditions.
  • Summary information and ORAS score is sent to the courts, prosecution, and defense prior to arraignment.
  • Court makes a determination on bail requirements and assignment to pretrial services.

Program Requirements

Clients will be required to follow standard program requirements and based on court determinations may be required to satisfy supplemental requirements.  Read more... 

Supervision and Case Management

Clients will be assigned to a Pretrial Officer who will monitor and hold clients accountable to bail conditions.  Read more...


A client’s pretrial services case will be closed upon sentencing or removal of PTS bail requirements by the court.
