Human Services

The Human Services Department exists to aid Merrimack County citizens in their efforts to live in a healthy, safe and productive manner.  We work to provide guidance for services and resources in an equitable manner that is evidenced based and trauma informed.  We acknowledge that the possibilities of helping others is endless and we work tirelessly in that pursuit. 

Areas of Focus:

County Navigators efforts are focused on intentionally listening to the needs, desires and values of a client to meet them where they are at and to aid them in the building of their resource network. 

Pretrial Services Officers work with clients who are referred by the courts. We work to ensure clients report to court as ordered and remain in compliance of court ordered conditions of release.  A major focus of our work is mitigating risk by addressing the needs of the client. 

Diversion Programming staff supervise clients in a voluntary program for non-violent offenders who are charged with a criminal offense.  The programs in Diversion offer an alternative to the normal prosecution and conviction of offenders and are tailored to the needs of the client. 

Juvenile Services staff work to provide youthful offenders with accountability and appropriate supports as an alternative to the formal court process.  Using a restorative justice approach through the utilization of community accountability boards we promote positive youth development through resource sharing, skill building and educational programming. 

Mental Health Court provides community protection with cost effective, integrated continuation of care through the development and utilization of community resources.